Friday, September 19, 2008

Communal Riots and Media response

In response to an article on Churumuri, i wrote the following comment. The comment is not a reply to the article, but is in reference to the article.

My comment is here: Comment

A book titled "Satyadarshini", distributed in large volumes is said to have been the immediate cause for the riots. I am putting some of the pages here, for your consideration:

From Satyadarshini

From Satyadarshini

From Satyadarshini

From Satyadarshini

From Satyadarshini

From Satyadarshini

From Satyadarshini

From Satyadarshini

From Satyadarshini

From Satyadarshini

From Satyadarshini

It would be great if somebody can pass on these pages to National Minority Comission, Human Rights commission, People involved in interfaith activities, all our legislators, political leaders such as Shri M P Prakash. etc. so that they can judge the situation better. If u distribute this kind of provocative books, however scholarly they may be, they are bound to cause mob-rioting.

I end with what Swami Vivekananda had this to say about Bible:
"Christian missionaries were attacking the Puranas for containing passages which they considered somewhat obscene. Vivekananda had studied the Bible and knew that it contained a lot which was downright pornography. But he had his own method of exposing the Bible. �The Chinese,� he wrote, �are the disciples of Confucius, are the disciples of Buddha, and their morality is quite strict and refined. Obscene language, obscene books, pictures, any conduct the least obscene - and the offender is punished then and there. The Christian missionaries translated the Bible into Chinese tongue. Now in the Bible there are some passages so obscene as to put to shame some of the Puranas of the Hindus. Reading those indecorous passages, the Chinamen were so exasperated against Christianity that they made a point of never allowing the Bible to be circulated in their country� The simpleminded Chinese were disgusted, and raised a cry, saying: Oh, horror! This religion has come to us to ruin our young boys, by giving them this Bible to read� This is why the Chinese are very indignant with Christianity. Otherwise the Chinese are very tolerant towards other religions. I hear that the missionaries have printed an edition, leaving out the objectionable parts; but this step has made the Chinese more suspicious than before."

Quoted at: